Purewa Cemetery and Crematorium Fees
Effective from January 15, 2024

Fee GST Total
Current Purewa Crematorium Fees
Adults and Children (5 years and over) 739.13 110.87 850.00
Children 1 - 5 years 347.83 52.17 400.00
Children to 1 year and stillborn No Charge
Weekend Direct (Without Chapel Service) Additional Cremation Fee 130.43 19.57 150.00
Late Cremation Fee (after 4PM) 191.30 28.70 220.00
Viewing the Charge of the Casket 260.87 39.13 300.00
Additional Plastic Urn (small) 15.65 2.35 18.00
Additional Plastic Urn (large) 24.34 3.66 28.00
Scattering of Ashes 108.70 16.30 125.00
Current Chapels and Lounges Fees
All Saints Chapel per hour 604.34 90.66 695.00
All Souls Chapel per hour 504.34 75.66 580.00
St Johns Lounge per hour (minimum 2 hours) 391.30 58.70 450.00
Lounge of Remembrance per hour (minimum 2 hours) 300.00 45.00 345.00
Memorial Service Fee (Surcharge no cremation service) 173.91 26.08 200.00
Media Processing Fee (file conversions, playlist assembly, or video/audio editing) 130.43 19.57 150.00

Sunday Funerals must be booked through Purewa Administration, after hours bookings for a Sunday funeral or cremation will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Purewa Administration must be notified at the time of cremation booking if families wish to view the charging of the casket into the cremator. Listed fees apply.

Fee GST Total
Current Cemetery Fees
M, J, R, S Block Adult burial plots (2 burials plus 6 ashes per plot) 8,956.52 1,343.48 10,300.00
Older Areas Adult Burial Plots (2 burials plus 6 ashes per plot) 14,347.82 2,152.18 16,500.00
Digging Fee Adult Single Depth Burial 1,521.73 222.27 1,750.00
Digging Fee Adult Double Depth Burial 1,652.17 247.82 1,900.00
Surcharge for digging fee in older areas 234.78 35.21 270.00
Children's Area, Casket size: 650mm to 900mm 1,739.14 260.86 2,000.00
Interment Fee Children's Area, Casket size: 650mm to 900mm 408.69 61.31 470.00
Children's Area, Casket size: 400mm to 650mm 1,400.00 210.00 1,610.00
Interment Fee Children's Area, Casket size: 400mm to 650mm 234.78 34.50 270.00
Stillborn/New Born, Casket size: up to 350mm 500.00 75.00 575.00
Interment Fee Stillborn/New Born, Casket size: up to 350mm 139.13 20.87 160.00
Other Additional Charges
Saturday Morning Burial (to 12pm only) 652.17 97.83 750.00
Saturday Afternoon Burial (to 3pm only) 826.08 120.00 950.00
Late Burial Fee (if burial delayed past 3pm) 469.56 70.44 540.00
Plaque installation in Cemetery 208.69 31.31 240.00
Monument Permit fee 400.00 60.00 460.00
Disinterment fee 5,652.17 847.83 6,500.00
Plot Transfer Fee 156.52 23.47 180.00

The latest time for which burials can be booked is 2pm. Burials will not be accepted or confirmed unless the required paperwork is completed in full and received with a minimum of 24 hrs notice. Additional fees apply for late or weekend burials.

Fee GST Total
Current Ash Memorialisation Fees
Walk of Memories (all plots) 2,000.00 300.00 2,300.00
Walk of Memories package (plot, tablet, inter) 4,652.17 697.83 5,350.00
Kidney Gardens (plot only) 3,304.34 495.66 3,800.00
Kidney Gardens Package (plot, plaque, interment included, lettering extra if plaque is granite) 5,021.74 753.26 5,775.00
V Block Upright Ashes Headstone Area (includes Exclusive Right to Burial, Interment of ashes, upright granite headstone - inscription of lettering extra) 5,982.60 897.40 6,880.00
V Block Upright Ashes Headstone area plot 2,373.91 356.09 2,730.00
R,S, X, Y, Z Block Ashes Plots (2 sets of ashes) 1,730.43 259.57 1,990.00
Columbarium Niche Wall (new 2021) (Lettering on granite is extra, interment included) 3,826.08 573.92 4,400.00
Granite Memorial Book (lettering extra) 739.13 110.87 850.00
Bronze Plaque Memorial Wall (includes plaque) 1,260.86 189.14 1,450.00
Ashes Interment Fee (or disinterment) 413.04 61.96 475.00
Additional Fee Saturday Ash Interment 304.34 45.66 350.00
Ashes/Lawn Plaque Installation Fee 208.69 31.31 240.00
Mosaic Pathway Memorial Space 260.86 39.14 300.00
Plaque Refurbishment Fee (475mm x 375mm) 347.82 52.18 400.00
Plaque Refurbishment Fee (200mm x 110mm) 260.86 39.14 300.00
Book of Remembrance (2 lines) 278.00 42.00 320.00
Book of Remembrance (3 lines) 313.04 46.96 360.00
Book of Remembrance (4 lines) 365.21 54.79 420.00

For all requests for services not included in this sheet, please contact the General Manager.

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