Purewa: A Living Space!

A Living Space

This isn’t just a clever play on words, Purewa Cemetery is indeed a living space.

Here’s how:

  • It is green! Trees, bushes, lawns, flowers and all their inhabitants (birds and insects thrive here) make Purewa in the truest sense a place for the living.
  • Memories live here. Purewa is a place where lives interesting, noble and notorious made their final temporal goodbyes. But it doesn’t end there. By remembering and telling their stories Purewa stands for the eternal impact of every life lived. We remember, and in that remembering they live.
  • Life goes on. Purewa thrives with the emotions of those who bring their loved ones here, and offers them a space to continue to celebrate the lives of loved ones past. That celebration is a vibrant experience, life at its best.
  • Purewa lives and grows! The Purewa community is a continuing performance of life and the art of living. Keep updated regularly by signing up for more information (no more often than once a month – that’s our pledge!) Sign up with the form below the video.

Experience Purewa life for yourself by trying our new audio guided tours (from October) and look out for events: lectures, concerts and new documentary videos.

For now, here’s a taste of Purewa’s life, starring a few of the living memories you can get to know at Purewa.


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